Greenprint Projects

Door County Greenprint


White pelicans wading in a body of water.
Wisconsin pelicans White pelicans wading in the Wisconsin River. © Steve S. Meyer

The Door County Greenprint was developed to assist the County and other regional conservation organizations in protecting key open spaces and natural resources in the County. The Greenprint is a GIS modeling tool that will allow for identifying, prioritizing, communicating, and tracking critical lands for regional resource protection.

This is a collaborative effort that will require active involvement and contribution by County staff, the Door County Natural Areas Group (NAG), and other regional advisors.  

Year Published:  2015

State:  Wisconsin

Landscape Context:  Inland

Housing Density:  Rural

Funding Type:  Public

Habitat Focus:  Forest, Wetlands

Organizations Involved:

The Trust for Public Land, Door County Planning Department, Door County Soil & Water Conservation Department, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, US Fish and Wildlife, and Door County Chapter of The Nature Conservancy


Water Quality, Open Space/Habitat, Biodiversity

Stakeholder Involvement:

Stakeholders were involved throughout.

Planning Process:

The planning process followed the below stepwise process:

Step 1: Project coordination and goal-identification working session with Steering Committee
Step 2: Model design
Step 3: Data collection
Step 4: Model implementation
Step 5: Model presentation and refinement
Step 6: Project report development
Step 7: Model delivery and web-based conveyance
Step 8: Model delivery, including GIS data

Desired Outcomes:

The Greenprint aimed to protect habitat for native plants and animals; restore landscape connectivity; and protect water quality.

What It Accomplished:

Over $2 million has been raised or leveraged directly or indirectly in relation to this plan, and some individuals and municipalities have used the Greenprint website to enhance information available to the public and development-related decisions.